Rehovot doctors save Palestinian's hand

21-year-old student's left hand was accidentally amputated at a building site when a metal disk flew in his direction.

Fadel Badarin 248 88 (photo credit: Courtesy of Kaplan Medical Center)
Fadel Badarin 248 88
(photo credit: Courtesy of Kaplan Medical Center)
A 21-year-old Palestinian student's left hand, which was accidentally amputated this week at a building site when a metal disk flew in his direction, has been successfully reattached at Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot. University of Hebron student Fadel Badarin was at a nearby building site to get a lift with his father, who works in construction there. "Suddenly a metal disk that was meant for cutting walls flew and cut my hand off. I was terribly scared and was sure that I would be left without it," he said in the hospital. He was rushed to Kaplan, where Dr. Amir Oron of the hand microsurgery department said that only his skin was still connecting the hand to his wrist. "He was bleeding terribly and begged for us to save it," said Oron. Hand surgeons and vascular surgeons cooperated and reconnected the blood vessels, nerves, muscles, ligaments, bone and skin. Badarin will need several months of rehabilitation, but the hand will be able to function. "I don't know how to thank the doctors who fought for hours to save me and succeeded," the grateful patient said. Oron said Badarin's speedy arrival after the accident had improved his chances. He added that in such cases of accidental amputation, one should put the limb in moist gauze or clean cloth, put that in a bag and put the bag on ordinary ice. The limb should not come in direct contact with the ice, he added, and dry ice should never be used. The faster the patient and the limb reach the hospital, the more likely it can be saved.