Russian court finds 13 teenagers guilty of ethnic killings

The Moscow City Court on Monday found 13 teenagers guilty of committing a series of ethnic attacks, including the murder of a well-known chess champion, a court official said. The Russian court sentenced them to prison terms ranging from 4 1/2 years to 10 years after convicting them of crimes including ethnically motivated assault and murder, court spokeswoman Anna Usacheva said. Footage from the courtroom, broadcast Monday by state-run TV, showed the teenagers in a courtroom holding cell, posing for the cameras, smiling, joking and dancing. One held a piece of a white paper with a happy face drawn on it. Another made a straight-armed Nazi salute as the group was led from the court by bailiffs. Russia has seen an alarming increase in hate crimes in recent years, with skinheads and nationalist groups targeting dark-skinned, non-Slavic-looking immigrants from the Caucasus and former Soviet Central Asia.