How radio is used as a tool in Israeli prisons to promote rehabilitation

Radio Focus was launched in 2016 and is located in the Ayalon Prison.

Radio Focus (photo credit: ISRAEL PRISON SERVICE)
Radio Focus
Thursday, February 13 marks World Radio Day, a day to raise awareness of radio's unique ability to reach out to wide audiences and to shape societies.
"On this World Radio Day, let us recognize the enduring power of radio to promote diversity and help build a more peaceful and inclusive world," said UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
This year, Israel will celebrate World Radio Day by holding a conference on how prisons in Israel use radio as a unique and innovative tool to promote rehabilitation of prisoners. 
The Israeli prison radio station, Radio Focus, was launched in 2016, as a cooperation between the Israel Prison Service, the Topaz Association, the National Insurance Institute and the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Radio Focus is located in Ayalon Prison and broadcasts content into prisons across Israel 24/7. It fully engages prisoners as they are responsible for operating the radio, from choosing topics and building content, to setting up interviews, and much more. 
Among the various programs, some provide prisoners with information on rehabilitation programs, others focus on health, on budget management, and on violence prevention. The radio even has music and sports programs.
Radio Focus includes full-training by radio professionals for prison's inmates.
Since the establishment of the radio, 55 prisoners have been trained and most of the program's graduates have been integrated into rehabilitation programs.
On Thursday's conference, professionals will gather to discuss the role radio can play for rehabilitation and changes the lives of inmates. During the event, Radio Focus will broadcast interviews, present study findings on the effectiveness of radio for rehabilitation, and broadcast panels with program graduates.