How to shake a lulav by The Jerusalem Post - watch

One of the greatest mitzvot of the Sukkot holiday is shaking the lulav and etrog.

Shaking the lulav
One of the greatest mitzvot of the Sukkot holiday is shaking the lulav and etrog.
What you need:
1. Lulav
2. Etrog 
How to shake the lulav: 
1. Stand facing east
2. Hold the lulav in your right hand
Note: The hadas (myrtle) should be on the right of the lulav. The arava (willow) should be on the left.
3. Place the etrog next to the lulav with its top (pittom) facing down.
4. Say a blessing: Blessed are You, L-rd our G‑d, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded regarding taking the Lulav. (translation by Chabad)
5. Turn the etrog around so the tip is facing up
6. Shake the lulav in all directions: east, south, west, north, above and below
On the first day of the holiday, one should add the Shehecheyanu blessing.
Have a happy Sukkot!