May 17, 2019: Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle - Word of the month

Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle

Crossword puzzle [Illustrative] (photo credit: PIXABAY)
Crossword puzzle [Illustrative]
(photo credit: PIXABAY)
1. Zips down white slopes
5. ___ in Space
9. Change, fix, correct, revise
14. ___-size (small).
15. F___: Original Shakespeare edition
16. The sixth largest Hawaiian island
17. Director Preminger
18. Yak; spill the beans
19. Talking birds
20. Beleaguered UK PM (2 words)
23. Word spoken with a wince
24. Shabbat: Day of ___
25. What a conceited person might be on (2 words)
27. The NFL’s Cowboys, on scoreboards
29. The “P” of PIN
31. F___: Roman marketplace
33. ___ the day (regret)
34. ___ Systems, networking giant
38. Modern art movement that started about 100 years ago
40. Vespa, for one
42. Toes the line, follows orders
43. “___ Abner”
44. The official bird of the state of Hawaii
45. Sticky sheet for catching airborne bugs
49. The Braves on baseball scoreboards
50. Take a refresher course
52. “___ Lang Syne”
54. Short written reminder
55. Condiment often used in salads and sandwiches
59. Testifies
61. Catches some afternoon Z’s
62. Brooklyn NBA team
63. More darling, attractive, huggable
64. Language in which “Winnipeg” means “dirty water”
65. A___: Teller of fables
66. Your future is their business
67. Teachers’ advanced degs.
68. ___ put (remain)
1. ___-on: Exactly correct
2. ___ and kin
3. Pause, intermission
4. Fox or Shufersal, for example
5. Non-kosher Maine seafood specialties
6. D___ r: A buck
7. Cat or twins
8. Trinidad and ___
9. A Nightmare on ___ Street: 2010 horror movie
10. Moshe, head of Jerusalem city government (2 words)
11. Boredom
12. W.E.B. Du Bois was among the founders of this org.
13. Ran away with the spoon
21. Sixth sense
22. ___i: Bibi’s heroic brother
26. ___ Bell
27. Extinct flightless bird
28. Resident of Ramallah or Beirut, e.g.
30. ___ and Coke (mixed drink)
32. 1620 Pilgrim ship
35. The least shaky or unstable
36. You can see Lincoln on one
37. Star MLB pitcher: ___ Hershiser
39. ___ of Man or Wight
40. Drink a tiny amount
41. Washes off the dirt
43. Whistle or ID tag holder
46. Sweet potato
47. Strut like a show horse
48. What is scored when a player crossed home plate
50. Broadway offering, variety show
51. What a good actor can do
53. Highway or bowling alley divisions
54. iPad cousins
56. The section that usually starts on Page 9 of The Jerusalem Post (2 words, abbr.)
57. Greek portico
58. Wordsmith Willard
60. What high school jrs. become the next year