Petah Tikva to open first cat park to contain, house stray felines

The park will have food and water dishes, playing grounds, and will be under supervision of the local council's veterinary services.

Cat in the grass  (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Cat in the grass
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
In a hot country like Israel, many people feed stray cats.
Loved by many, cats are actually hunters. As their numbers grow they often kill birds and other small creatures they can get their paws on. In addition, they reproduce, meaning their numbers become very large.
The city of Petah Tikva will now open a state of the art park for felines, Walla news reported. Created in dialogue with pro-cat activists and vets, the goal is that humans will begin feeding the cats in this specific location. The cats, after enjoying their meals, will opt to stay in the space meant for them so they won't roam and hunt anymore or be run over.
Regular visits by vets will ensure they are sterilized, reducing their numbers, and are kept in good health.
The cat park will open in Yonatan Garden at the cost of 120,000 NIS. It will be operated by cat lovers who live nearby.
Noting that this is the first park of its kind in the country, Mayor Rami Greenberg said this is a unique compromise between people who dislike having cats prance about and those who defend their furry friends.
The cats will be able to leave the park if they want to, and cameras will be installed to prevent people placing cats in the park by force.