Our lovable Israeli comedians are going global, mate.

Dear London - Please don’t be too heartbroken when our favorite comedians need to return to Israel at the end of their trip.

International Stand-up Comedy Show (Credit: Yohay Sponder / Youtube)
In the era of fake news, BDS propaganda, and otherwise un-funny events that seem to get more coverage than necessary, a group of English speaking Israelis are here to save us from the endless cycle of incessant reporting (or at the very least, they’ll help us see the natural humor in today’s current events).
And as much as we love our uproarious and charismatic comedic talents (and would like to keep them all for ourselves), there’s a need for the rest of the world to enjoy a level of humor that so effortlessly apart of Israeli culture.
Yohay Sponder Shahar Hason Funny Monday 27
Yohay Sponder, Shahar Hason, and Yossi Tarablus are all proud Israelis who have launched a groundbreaking movement of stand-up comedy in English across Israel. To be honest, there is one theory that they are just using this ‘comedy’ thing as a means of charging unsuspecting audience members to teach them English... Either way, they are hilarious, charming, and performing comedy in a second language to an audience of native speakers, so we give them a break ;).
The trio is set to go global next month with a must-see tour throughout London. As coveted guests at the Comedy International Conference in London, our only hope is that their future British fans won’t be too heartbroken when they eventually have to return to Israel.
You’ll have a chance to see all three comedians live on October 3rd at The Seven Dials club in Covent Garden. For tickets and more information, you can visit eventbright.com.
And for even more non-stop Israeli humor in English...
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