Obama wishes US Jews a 'Chag Sameach'

In official letter, American president praises Jewish exodus, stresses global significance of Pessah.

Obama king of Jews 224.88 ap (photo credit: AP [file])
Obama king of Jews 224.88 ap
(photo credit: AP [file])
US President Barack Obama issued on Tuesday his "warmest wishes to all celebrating the sacred festival of Passover." Obama opened the official White House letter bearing his signature with a biblical quote in the original Hebrew citing the origin of the Jewish holiday that marks the exodus from Egyptian slavery through "the ascent to a mountaintop" and eventually leading to "freedom in the Land of Israel," a process which to Obama "is among the most powerful stories of suffering and redemption in human history." The US leader continued to note the Seder, which "instructs each generation to remember their past" with its symbols and rituals, "while appreciating the beauty of freedom and the responsibility it entails." Obama then proceeded to stress the general human responsibilities reflected in the Jewish tradition of celebrating salvation. "As part of a larger global community, we all must work to ensure that our brothers and sisters of every race, religion, culture and nationality are free from bondage and repression, and are able to live in peace," he wrote. "As Jewish families gather across America to enjoy the magnificent and hard-earned gift of freedom, let us be thankful for all the gifts that have been bestowed upon us. At the same time, let us also work to alleviate the suffering, poverty and hunger of those who are not yet free," Obama concluded, wrapping up the holiday blessing with Michelle's and his wishing "all who celebrate Pesach a peaceful and relaxing holiday." "Chag sameach," President Barack Obama added.