Storm erupts over gardener's threats

A gardener at Ra'anana's Hadekel elementary school has been arrested for allegedly threatening a sixth-grade student.

A gardener at Ra'anana's Hadekel elementary school has been arrested for allegedly threatening a sixth-grade student, reports And the municipality says the gardener, who is employed by a company contracted to the city, will not work in Ra'anana again. According to the report, the trouble began when a group of sixth-graders began playing near where the gardener was working in the school grounds. He complained that they were disturbing him and reportedly gave them "menacing looks" that frightened one child enough to ask a nearby volunteer traffic warden to speak to the gardener. The warden asked the gardener to let the children play in peace, at which the gardener reportedly lost his temper and began threatening the child openly. The report said the school principal was alerted and called police, who arrested the man and took him away for questioning.