Jordan's Bedouins riot over price hikes for animal feed

More than 200 Bedouin herders blocked the road from Jordan's main port of Aqaba to the airport on Thursday, burning tires and hurling stones at police in protest over price hikes for fodder, said witnesses on the scene. The livestock owners, who also damaged the car of government officials who tried to speak with them, were demonstrating against a Tuesday decision to more than double the price of a ton of barley from 90 Jordanian dinars (US$126, €93) to 256 dinars (US$360, €264). "We cannot live any more, we have become refugees in our own country," shouted a herder protesting near the barley silos in Juweideh, south of the Jordanian capital Amman. "The government always gives the refugee camps aid and nobody cares for us Bedouin."