Report: Syrian air defence thwarts 'Israeli agression'

Asked about the SANA report, an Israeli military spokeswoman said: "We don't comment on foreign reports."

Missile fire is seen from Damascus, Syria (photo credit: OMAR SANADIKI/REUTERS)
Missile fire is seen from Damascus, Syria
Syria state media said Israel missiles target Damascus airport Saturday evening, with regime air defenses firing in response.
“Our air defense systems thwarted an Israeli missile aggression,” state news agency SANA cited a military source as saying.
Local reports said a military position was struck by several missiles close to Damascus airport, causing damage but no reports of casualties.
In mid-August Israel’s army announced that it has carried out over 200 airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria and fired over 800 missiles and mortar shells over the past year and a half.
According to the IDF, the strikes which mainly targeted advanced weapons systems and infrastructure belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps were aimed at preventing Iranian entrenchment in Syria and led to Iranians to evacuate several bases in Syria and has also had an effect on the Islamic Republic’s arms smuggling.
Israel has warned against Iran’s entrenchment in Syria and has stressed time and again that Syrian soil can not serve as a forward operating base by Iran and that the war-torn country cannot be a waystation for arms smuggling to Hezbollah in Lebanon.