Three arrested in raid on Gaza-bound boat

Arab MKs, peace activists aboard ship; police confiscate truck with medical, food supplies.

gaza boat jaffa 248 88 ap (photo credit: AP)
gaza boat jaffa 248 88 ap
(photo credit: AP)
A boat meant to ferry Arab MKs and pro-Palestinian activists into the Gaza Strip was raided by police on Sunday morning while docked at the Jaffa harbor. Three people were arrested and a truck carrying goods intended for Gaza was seized, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. The journey was organized by Israeli Arab political parties and private groups. The cargo was to include food and medicine, as well as toys and sweets for Id al-Adha, said Zahi Nujeidat, a spokesman for the Islamic Movement, one of the groups behind the trip. The attempt to reach Gaza contravened Clause 24 of the Disengagement Law, which forbids Israeli citizens from entering Gaza without permission, Rosenfeld said. He added that the ship's owner had been warned over the weekend that the planned journey was a criminal offense. Police have transferred the boat to Tel Aviv's Marina port. International activists have sailed three times from Cyprus to Gaza. The navy ignored those boats, but turned away a Libyan vessel last week. Sunday's attempt was the first by an Israeli boat. AP contributed to this report