Police presence boosted following bin Laden death

Concerns over potential revenge attacks motivate state police to implement heightened security plan for Memorial, Independence days.

Police car in Tel Aviv at night 311 (photo credit: Yoni Cohen)
Police car in Tel Aviv at night 311
(photo credit: Yoni Cohen)
Concerns over potential revenge attacks on American targets in Israel motivated state police to implement a heightened security plan for Memorial and Independence days.
As part of an annual security plan, thousands of additional officers have been deployed across the country since Pessah in preparation for this week.
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Police are on extra alert following last week’s raid against al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
Increased deployment will continue until children return to school next week, police said.
In an effort to prevent terrorists from sneaking into the country via migrant worker routes, police also plan to increase the number of raids against illegal Palestinian workers in Israel.
Police will especially seek out those suspected of transporting, employing and providing such individuals with room and board.
Mobile and stationary police check points will be erected at entrances to cities, while international border crossings will see tightened security this week.
Cmdr. Nissim Mor, head of the Operations Branch, ordered all police districts and branches to deploy thousands of officers from Sunday evening onwards, from the security fence to city centers.
The deployments are based on evaluations and the latest intelligence, police said.
On Saturday night, the IDF implemented a general closure of the West Bank for the duration of the holidays.
The closure will remain in place until Tuesday evening at 23:59 p.m.
Crossings based on medical need or for humanitarian aid will be permitted during the closure.
Intercity highways, urban routes and Routes 1, 6 and 443 will see an increase in Traffic Police presence on Tuesday.
During Independence Day, all events involving large crowds will be declared “security territory” and will be secured by police.
Undercover officers will also be deployed to the celebrations “to prevent standard offenses such as violence, pickpocketing and drug use,” police said.
Jerusalem Post staff contributed to this report.