Independence Day

 BARBECUING AT Sacher Park in Jerusalem on Independence Day last Tuesday: It was disappointing that

Critical voices aren't fooling anyone with silence and backhanded compliments

The contentious messages and loaded silence of Jewish groups who criticise Israel, including APN and J Street, are concerning.


Holding the bitter and the sweet: Remembrance and Independence Day 2024

In these moments, we can try to view these emotions not as conflicting but as parallel emotions. 

The Left's attempts to ruin Independence Day thankfully failed

Whilst the hard left rejected Independence Day, most Israelis set out into Israel’s streets and parks to celebrate.

Grapevine, May 17, 2024: Power of the press

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

Lack of leadership in Israel is undermining the Gaza war

It is time that Netanyahu recognizes the gravity of this moment in time and does what is right or steps aside, calls for early elections, and allows the Israeli people to decide who will lead them.


We will bow our heads, but stand tall - Opinion

It's time for us to accept the covenant of destiny and build our second independence.


Navy Independence Day flotilla pays tribute to October 7 victims

This year, a record number and variety of vessels of different sizes, from small boats to large yachts, took part.

Beyond the headlines: A glimpse into the Israel you won’t read about in the news

Annual Bible Quiz brings Jewish world together on Israel's Independence Day, and more.

After the next election: Let the government govern

Too often, Israel’s policies depend on what the Americans will agree to, what Palestinians will say, and how the Saudis will react. But you can’t achieve what you don't define.

Let's focus on our wins not our woes this Independence Day - opinion

Israel Independence Day must lead to an opportunity to negate the misleading, Palestinian-centered tale of woe, to return us to the Jewish story and the Zionist tale of redemption.

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