Protesters confront Ben Shapiro at Ohio State

The conservative writer and syndicated columnist was confronted by protesters who shouted "John McCain's Dead" and "Regan's Dead."

Conservative political commentator, writer and lawyer Ben Shapiro speaks at the 2018 Politicon in Los Angeles, California on October 21, 2018. The two day event covers all things political with dozens of high profile political figures. (photo credit: MARK RALSTON / AFP)
Conservative political commentator, writer and lawyer Ben Shapiro speaks at the 2018 Politicon in Los Angeles, California on October 21, 2018. The two day event covers all things political with dozens of high profile political figures.
(photo credit: MARK RALSTON / AFP)
Radical liberal protesters demonstrated against a speech by conservative Jewish-American writer Ben Shapiro at Ohio State University Tuesday, the Huffington Post reported.
Carrying red flags and covering their faces with ski-masks, protesters shouted obscenities at Shapiro and chanted "Regan's dead" and "John McCain's dead."
Shapiro tweeted a video of the protesters with the ironic comment, "But I'm the threat to civility guys."

Journalist Meghan McCain, daughter of the late Senator John McCain, tweeted a video of the event and called the protesters "snowflakes," meaning people who are overly sensitive and cannot tolerate people who hold different views.

Shapiro is now on a campus lecture tour sponsored by the Young America Foundation, touching on themes such as "facts don't care about your feelings" and "the myth of white privilege."