Israeli civilian in critical condition after terrorist stabbing in Hebron

Border Police shoot and kill the attacker.

Stabbing attack near Hebron
A Palestinian knife-wielding terrorist stabbed and critically injured an Israeli civilian near Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs on Monday, before being shot dead in the act by Border Police officers on the scene.
Quick defensive action saved lives.
“We understood this was a terrorist attack and that we only had a few seconds to isolate the terrorist before he could hurt additional civilians,” a Border Police officer who took part in the response said.
The Border Police did not give out the officer’s name.
“I and the other officers closed in on him. I identified the terrorist as he leaned over the civilian. I fended him off by firing a number of rounds, in a selective manner, to neutralize the terrorist. Now the only thing we have left to do is pray for an improvement in the situation of the victim,” the officer said.
Magen David Adom paramedics found a semi-conscious man lying on the sidewalk with multiple stab wounds to his upper body.
“We immediately placed him in an intensive care ambulance. Our goal was to get him to hospital quickly,” MDA paramedic Zaki Yahav said.
“We evacuated him while administering life-saving medical care that included stopping the bleeding, giving liquids, and medicines. He was in serious condition.”
The Sha’arei Zedek Medical Center listed the 40-yearold man as being in very serious condition with chest stab wounds. Doctors placed the stab victim on a ventilator and sedated him.
In other recent terrorist attacks, two Palestinian terrorists were shot and killed by security forces on Friday in the midst of attacks they launched on soldiers.
Early on Friday morning, two additional knife attackers were shot dead after stabbing and lightly injuring an IDF soldier.
Also on Friday, two IDF soldiers were lightly injured by a vehicle ramming attack near Ofra in the West Bank.
The incidents came less than 24 hours after an IDF soldier and an Israeli civilian were wounded in the December 3 terrorist shooting attack at the Hizma checkpoint outside the Jerusalem neighborhood of Pisgat Ze’ev, carried out by an Arab resident of east Jerusalem who was employed as a member of the Palestinian Authority’s intelligence agency.