WATCH: Saudi Preacher blames social media ills on Jews
"Whatsapp is Jewish, Twitter is Jewish, Facebook is Jewish, Instagram is Jewish." Snapchat is also included in the list.
By JPOST.COM STAFFSaudi Preacher blames social ills and media on Jews
Speaking to his followers, Saudi preacher, Abdullah Ba Neema, takes aim at Jews, suggesting that they "are always looking at the things that Muslims love" because "they want to put poison" into them.He calls "television a false idol" and a Jewish "tool" used to divorce Muslim men from their wives.He goes on to say that social media, which keeps Muslims from praying to god, is also controlled by the Jews."Whatsapp is Jewish, Twitter is Jewish, Facebook is Jewish, Instagram is Jewish," Neema said. Snapchat is also included in the list.