An extraordinary selection of Himalayan paintings is being offered at Sotheby's New York on March 28 and all at modest prices.
By MEIR RONNENcloth art 88 298(photo credit: )
An extraordinary selection of Himalayan paintings is being offered at Sotheby's New York on March 28 and all at modest prices. The 148 lots are from the unique Mischa and Angela Jucker Collection.
The first 48 lots are from Nepal, mostly in distemper on cloth; many are heavily Indian in tradition with occasional depictions of Hindu deities rather than Buddhist ones. The variety of theme and composition is extraordinary. The other lots are Tibetan and Bhutanese, headed by the most expensive lot of all, a thanka depicting the lineage of all the Nyo masters, seated around a large image of the Tibetan Nyo master Drupapal, painted in distemper around 1200 ($400,000-$600,000). But you can also get a beautiful portrait of the 12-armed Gauritara for between $6,000-$9,000, and there are Tibetan mandalas going for the same price and other lots for less.
Some of the lots demonstrate a palpable link with Chinese Buddhism, while some of the paintings from Bhutan derive from Indian styles.
This is an extraordinary collection; just acquiring the fabulous catalogue is a must for anyone interested in Buddhist art.