Forty years on, and now named for its founder, Orna Porat's CYT not only still provides good theater but has lifted standards for children's theater.
Deciding that children deserved quality theater no less than adults, great actress and Israel Prize laureate Orna Porat founded the Children and Youth Theater (CYT) in 1970. Forty years on, and now named for its founder, OPCYT not only still provides good theater but over the years has lifted standards for children’s theater overall.The 40th anniversary theme for OPCYT is “We Can Too,” or the idea that children can also change things in our world.Orna’s Magic, a tribute to Porat by Hagit Rechavi-Nikolayevsky, tells of how a group of kids, led by the determined Orna, resurrects a run-down old theater and revitalizes the neighborhood (ages 5-9). Gifted young playwright/director Maor Zagorri directs Watchingthe Ball, a new play by Aviv Luz that has a group of kidsfighting for a better quality of life and the environment in theirneighborhood (8-12).Aladdin and His Magic Lamp (4-9) is a dance theaterpiece with choreography by Roni Bernstetter. The DramaClub is an updated revival by Dafna Engel of Moti Baharav’s1980s play about a group of at-risk youth whose lives are changed whenthey join a drama group (13-18). A new production of Datya’sFun Warehouse showcases the work of poet/composer DatyaBen-Dor.Gifted director/educator Itzik Weingarten and director Dalia Fradkincollaborated on Something Wonderful Is Going toHappen, a play about a little boy looking for his mom thatwon prizes at the Children’s Theater Festival this April, and inThe Tale of a Little Bush, based on the book byOsnat Jaspe about a miserable little thorn horribly lacking inself-esteem (all three are geared towards ages 3-7).