TA theater offers English translation

Tel Aviv's Cameri Theater has added simultaneous English translations to 13 of its most popular productions.

Tel Aviv's Cameri Theater has added simultaneous English translations to 13 of its most popular productions. In November and December, theatergoers will be able to choose from a variety of performances with English translations, ranging from Badenheim 1939 to Father's Braid. The theater's award-winning production of Hamlet, starring Itay Tiran, will provide English subtitles to audiences at its December 5 and 6. Hebrew-language productions of Househusband, Master of the House and And the Rat Laughed have also undergone translation, as have several of the theater's other offerings. Plays translated from English to Hebrew will now also feature English subtitles, among them Visiting Mr. Green, Fat Pig, Plaza Suite and Brighton Beach Memoirs.