Catherine L. White, MD

Dr Catherine L White

Catherine L. White, MD, is a rural Family Medicine Physician and Medical Consultant residing in Northwest Oklahoma in the US. She attended Creighton School of Medicine in Omaha, Nebraska, prior to which, had earned 2 Bachelor’s of Science degrees in Geology and Molecular/Cellular Biology. Previous work experience includes Exploration Geophysicist, Geophysicist/Systems’ Analyst, Computer Programmer/Analyst, Systems’ Engineer, Medical Informatics Researcher, and Church Pianist/Organist/Keyboardist. While she grew up as a protestant Christian, a family tragedy over 25 years ago caused relatives to discover her great-grandparents were secretly French-German Jews who were compelled by adverse circumstances to convert to Catholicism. Since this revelation, she has been exploring her Jewish roots and learning more about Judaism to fill what seemed as empty, unknown areas in her life.

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