Egypt: The new born democracy

After more than three decades of one-man rule and single-party political life, January''s popular Egyptian uprising opened the way to multiple political currents, including scores of new political parties such as the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the Salafists party (Al Nour) & more than 60 new other political parties.



(Photo by Ahmed Meligy)

The 498 seats of the parliament elections consists of 3 stages, 9 cities for each stage. So far 2 stages took place & the remaining stage will be in January 2012.
These religious parties won more than 70% of both stages & they are expected to dominate the 3rd Stage next mont. All the liberal factions are very concerned & some are even terrified by these results. These fears are very logical & reasonable, and raise a number of important questions such as:

1. What these groups will do when they will be in charge regarding the Peace process with Israel;
2. What will they do with the minorities like the Coptics of Egypt;

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3. How will they treat the women & how Democratic they will be!?
These are very crucial questions & very reasonable fears. I can`t deny that I am worried too, but I still have faith that the Egyptians will do alright & will demand their government be fair. We will hold them accountable for their actions and decisions.
If you believe in the Egyptian people the way I do you will feel safe and you will have faith in these good people. Read our history since the Great Pharaohs who built the world wonders, like the 3 pyramids, we are the sons of these Pharaohs. We fought many wars through our history until the October War in 1973, We were smart in war but smarter in making Peace with Israel. We were the first Arab country to ask and work for peace with Israel.
Even during the January revolution we inspired the Whole wide world with our love for our Egypt; when we had our first free elections ever in our history we did it in an amazingly civilized manner. The election commission said that 62% of eligible voters cast ballots for nearly a third of the seats in Egypt''s parliament, in the highest turnout in modern history.  It was a surprise to me and many others as this showed how hungry and eager the Egyptians are for a free democratic country.
I am providing these examples to remind myself and to remind you that the Egyptians are a good people and can do wonders and inspire the world again. Have faith in the Egyptian people, pray for us to make it through these hard times and help us achieve our dreams.
All the youth of Egypt, myself included, promised ourselves that no way ever again will we accept tyranny and oppression. We will never create a new dictatorship ever again.
I am a proud Egyptian who fell in love with his mother Egypt!
Peace and love always.