Dependable Haaretz?


You can read this in Haaretz:


Among proposed tunnel-detection technologies is the use of vehicle-mounted, ground-penetrating radar. However, this solution can only detect tunnels to a depth of 10 meters and the last tunnels discovered during the Gaza operation that reached Israeli territory were as much as 25 feet below ground.


You can also read this there:


IDF to test tunnel detection system on Gaza border
If the system proves it can identify the digging of infiltration tunnels, the military could deploy it within a year.


In this paper, the Jerusalem Post, you can read this today:


IDF successfully tests system designed to detect terror tunnels 
Senior army officer says system passed lab tests, currently undergoing field testing; could be deployed around Gaza within 1 year; system will cost at least NIS 1.5 billion.

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So, is Haaretz behind in its news?  It can happen.  But 10 meters equals 32.8084 feet.  That''s deeper than the 25 feet Haaretz publishes.
No proofreading?  No arithmetic?
Such a deep condrum.