I mean...Is it MY fault that you can''t put 2+2 together ??Did I CREATE your lack of intellect ?Have I somehow CONTRIBUTED to the abundance ofvacuous, NEGATIVE space inside your frontal lobe ??What do you WANT FROM ME ??I''m just the FREAKIN'' MESSENGER !!!And...FURTHERMORE.....I HAVE TRIED...
(admittedly TRY is a weak word!)Nonetheless, I HAVE !!!I''ve dragged your clueless ass to libraries and theaters and BARNES AND NOBEL even !!I''ve STUFFED you with BRAIN FOODS...I''ve editorialized for your benefit.......on everything from NUCLEAR PHYSICS to QUANTUM FINANCE......from DICTION to POETRY to GOD only knows.....And still....NUTHIN''...SQUAT....So now......I''m just gonna take a back seat...and become a VOYEUR.....And perhaps...in the ABSENCE of my droning soliloquy....you will finally be allowed to MAKE A SOUND OF YOUR OWN.....to actually EXPRESS YOURSELF !!!Is it possible that I''ve been standing "IN THE WAY" of your progress ??WAIT !!!Am I talking to MYSELF ???