Rather, our goal is to create the conditions, following the "blueprint" (i.e. Torah) we've been given, that enable a discontinuous higher level of existence and consciousness, Olam HaAtid, The Future World, to emerge. Spending energy trying to "fix" elements of this world that either aren't broken or whose "repair" isn't necessary to our real goal, is, at best, a waste and a distraction/detour from our real goal.
Olam Hazeh, This World, is expected to be flawed and contains within its embedded structure, once again Torah, responses and reliefs (Karbanot, sacrifices, for example) to rebalance itself. We don't know the "critical mass" of Tikkun required to launch the "quantum jump" to the higher reality, but we do know which actions of ours (i.e. Mitzvot) will help us achieve it.
The unperfectibility of this world, then, isn't a cause for despair. Rather it's a signal to rejoice that the true universe, Olam Gadol, is boundless beyond our imaginations.(1) My translations for Chesed, Gevurah and Tiferet are not the standard ones you usually see, but they illustrate certain attributes of these Sefirot. Chesed as "kindness" is obvious. Gevurah, is frequently referred to as "Din", judgement, which we assume to be, perhaps in a transcendental way only, "fair". Since Tiferet is the balance between Chesed and Gevurah, "responsibility" describes it.
rabbizeitlin.comAn earlier version of this essay previously appeared in The Algemeiner.