Israel allows return to three evacuated West Bank localities

The move follows a vote in the Knesset Plenum in March of 2023, which approved the law to amend the 'disengagement law' in the northern West Bank. 

 Kadim in the West Bank. August 14, 2005. (photo credit: REUTERS/ABED OMAR QUSINI)
Kadim in the West Bank. August 14, 2005.

The IDF approved on Wednesday the return to the three localities in northern Samaria – Sa-nur, Ganim and Kadim – the Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.

Earlier on Wednesday, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant instructed to implement the amendment of the "Disengagement Law" in some localities of the West Bank, according to Israeli media reports. 

Move follows previous Knesset vote

Yoav Gallant (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)
Yoav Gallant (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)

The move follows a vote in the Knesset Plenum in March 2023, which approved the law amending the disengagement law in the northern West Bank. 

Until the amendment to the law, Israelis were unable to enter certain localities following the disengagement from the area in 2005.

"The Jewish hold on Judea and Samaria guarantees security," Gallant said in a statement. "The application of the law to cancel disengagement will lead to the development of settlement and provide security to residents of the area."