Palestinians, IDF clash at funeral of Palestinian activist

Palestinians clashed with IDF soldiers in the village Aboud northwest of Ramallah on Friday afternoon at the funeral of Muhammad Asfour, who was shot in the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet by the IDF two weeks ago in the course of a protest, the IDF confirmed.
About a thousand people attended the funeral. After most attendees dispersed, about a hundred Palestinians started throwing stones at IDF forces, who responded with means of crowd dispersal.
Abir Kopty of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee wrote on her Twitter that IDF forces were firing tear gas at rioters and that one man was evacuated to hospital after suffocating from the tear gas. The IDF spokesman could not at this time confirm this.
The 22-year-old was wounded at the protest in support of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, he was taken to a medical center in Nablus.