Consumers opted for cheaper costumes this year than they did last year.
By NADAV SHEMERChildren of foreign workers on Purim 390(photo credit: Reuters))
Toy sales increased about 25 percent and confectionary sales rose 35%-40% in the week leading up to Purim, the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce reported Tuesday.However, the business sector’s representative body said public sentiment over the cost of living had had an effect on sales as consumers opted for cheaper costumes this year than they did last year. Most costumes and accessories sold by toy stores this year fell within the NIS 10 to NIS 200 range, the FICC said.It predicted toy sales for the Purim period would reach about NIS 150 million to NIS 200m., constituting 15%-20% of the industry’s yearly revenues. Sales of candy and other confectioneries would reach NIS 55 million for the week, although hamantashen would account for only 2% of sales because most of them were sold in the month leading up to Purim, it said.