It is not helpful and not accurate to suggest, as some do, that there is no difference between Hamas and Fatah. Hamas cannot be a partner for peace. Fatah could be.
By ABRAHAM H. FOXMANfoxman 298.88 courtesy(photo credit: Courtesy)The Fatah factor
Let's start with what I believe is the obvious: Fatah and Hamas are two very different organizations. Not only are they at each other's throats whenever they have the opportunity, but they speak very different languages. Hamas talks of an Islamic state, Fatah of a Palestinian national state. Hamas calls for Israel,s destruction, Fatah talks of two states living side-by-side. Hamas proudly takes credit for terrorist attacks against civilians, Fatah in public statements decries such attacks.
In other words, it is not helpful and not accurate to suggest, as some do, that there is no difference between the organizations. Hamas cannot be a partner for peace. Fatah could be.
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