Live from the GA

haviv rettig (photo credit: )
haviv rettig
(photo credit: )
The Jerusalem Post's Jewish World Correspondent, Haviv Rettig, on events leading up to and during the General Assembly. Readers are invited to email him directly at or leave comments at the end of the articles. Tuesday, November 13: Condoleezza Rice addresses GA, says US will fight battle between extremists and moderates for future of the region. Monday, November 12: Jewish power: The secret revealed!, Haviv: 'So, at least according to the powerful Jews I talked to, the secret to Jewish power is twofold. First, it's less Jewish than you think. Second, it's less powerful than it looks.' Sunday, November 11: Interpreting the 'peoplehood' lingo, Haviv: In America, "peoplehood" is the growing realization that the American way of identifying will not keep young Jews Jewish, even if the openness and creativity of the American cultural landscape brings Jewish themes to primetime comedy, Jewish self-help to Barnes & Noble and Jewish mysticism to Madonna. Sunday, November 11: Your grandma's Jewish lobby, Haviv examines aging in America's Jewish communities and the changing nature of lobbyism. Sunday, November 11: American Jewry takes a hard look at itself, As the GA in Tennessee kicks off today, Haviv takes a deeper look at Nashville's Jewish community. Thursday, November 8:Yes, there are poor Jews, Haviv discusses poverty in Chicago's Jewish community with EZRA director, Anita Weinstein. Thursday, November 8: The chicken, the egg and the preschool", Haviv questions whether day schools are the answer to restoring the Jewish affiliation of young people. Wednesday November 7: 'Micro-communing' on campus, Haviv speaks to students leaders at University of Chicago's Hillel about an interesting initiative: 'micro communities'. Wednesday, November 7: Attracting the young, Haviv: 'It's a mystery to me on visits to federation-run institutions in Chicago that it isn't a more attractive target for the enthusiasm of younger Jews'. Monday, November 5: 'Old-School' Chicago, Haviv's first visit to the Chicago Jewish federation reveals that 'perhaps the most conservative federation in American Jewry is not necessarily adverse to change.' Friday, November 2: 'Adapting to a very changed world', Haviv's interview with Joe Kanfer Chair of the Board of Trustees of the United Jewish Communities, who 'promised the GA will be about creating and disseminating practical ideas for improving Jewish life in the communities the UJC represents'. Related: - Jewish Agency overseas programs face massive cuts - Full series of reports from the 2006 UJC General Assembly by Amir Mizroch
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