Memorize biblical verses on your smartphone with 'Zion Quest'
To pass each level in the game players must overcome challenges and correctly answer questions about biblical verses.
Christians can now memorize bible verses on their smartphones with the new biblical-based gaming app “Zion Quest.”According to the founders, "Zion Quest" is the first role playing Bible game that directly applies Bible verses to combat situations in game mode. The more you play, the more you learn about the scripture and biblical passagesThe Christian adventure game is “intended to win souls, change lives and enhance users” using knowledge of the Bible through virtual play.The app has 40 levels of games and in order to pass each level, the player must overcome challenges and correctly answer questions about bible verses, thus forcing the player to memorize the biblical passages. Upon completing all 40 levels, players receive a gift of a crown.“There has never been a game like it,” says developer Femi Folorunso. “Many Christians carry the Holy Bible with them daily but cannot recite two verses correctly. 'Zion Quest' will help users memorize scriptures because it places at least 40 crucial Bible passages in the players' memory. This is vital during prayer or talk.“The app is designed for both iPhone, iPad and Android devices.