Harvard revokes 10 acceptances over holocaust jokes, explicit memes
High grades and SATs don't excuse racism.
By ARIANE MANDELLUpdated: JUNE 6, 2017 13:48Harvard University(photo credit: CHENSIYUAN/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
Harvard College revoked offers of admissions to at least 10 members of the incoming class of 2021 over explicit memes traded over private Facebook chat, including some mocking the holocaust, The Harvard Crimsonreported on Monday.According to the Crimson, a group of the incoming class split off from the official Harvard College Class of 2021 Facebook group to start a private Facebook chat called "Harvard memes for horny bourgeois teens," in late December.There, the freshmen-to-be shared memes and other images making fun of the Holocaust, sexual assault, and children dying. According to screenshots obtained by the Crimson, some messages joked that "abusing children was sexually arousing," or contained racist comments.The description of the official Facebook group reads, "As a reminder, Harvard College reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission under various conditions including if an admitted student engages in behavior that brings into question his or her honest, maturity, or moral character."