'America is war weary. You're on your own on this one; don't expect help from Uncle Sam'

hot potato 224 (photo credit: )
hot potato 224
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New! on JPost.com: The Hot Potato This is your chance to voice your opinion. We've chosen a controversial / interesting entry that appeared on our site (talkback, blog, etc...) and we want to know what you have to say about it. TODAY'S HOT POTATO: Taken from article: US: Iran halted nuclear weapons program in 2003 Talkback #: 54 Talkbacker: Dick, USA Text: My friends, the estimate did not reach legitimate intelligence conclusions. This is a political message to Israel that says: "America is overextended and war weary. You're on your own on this one; don't expect help from Uncle Sam." No one believes US intelligence anymore--and properly so. We predicted it would take the Soviets until the 1960s to get the A-bomb. We also failed to predict the Indian and Pakistani tests in 1998. My advice is to do what you must to defend Israel. God bless all of you. What do you think? The ball is in your court now. Click here to respond Previous Hot Potatos