GERSHON HARRIS Hatzor HaglilitSir, – On the day of the general strike to improve the plight of our poorest workers, a salary raise for MKs is announced! This is in addition to the numerous benefits MKs have received, like a recent (July 2011) additional “clothing stipend.” How out of touch and indifferent these MKs are to the country’s needs and priorities! How propitious that Isi Leibler’s call for electoral reform appeared in the same issue (“The erosion of Israeli leadership,” Candidly Speaking).Let us redouble our efforts to achieve electoral reform and vote the rascals out.ALFRED INSELBERG Ra’anana
February 10: Views on a strike
It’s time the Knesset passed a law disallowing strikes if they are not declared before midnight the night before.
GERSHON HARRIS Hatzor HaglilitSir, – On the day of the general strike to improve the plight of our poorest workers, a salary raise for MKs is announced! This is in addition to the numerous benefits MKs have received, like a recent (July 2011) additional “clothing stipend.” How out of touch and indifferent these MKs are to the country’s needs and priorities! How propitious that Isi Leibler’s call for electoral reform appeared in the same issue (“The erosion of Israeli leadership,” Candidly Speaking).Let us redouble our efforts to achieve electoral reform and vote the rascals out.ALFRED INSELBERG Ra’anana