Residence: Jerusalem
Married? With children? None
Current occupation: Writer/Student
Dream job/career: Writer/Warrior
What are you most proud of: Quitting my job at Washington Mutual
Religious affiliation / observance: Jewish/Orthodox - not very observant
Last person / party I voted for: George Bush
Next person / party I will vote for: John McCain
My history (100 words max): I was born in Maine at an old logging camp without electricity, founded a College Republican club at U of Arizona and volunteered for my Fraternity. I arrived in Israel in 2002 and made Aliyah in 2007. Now I am completing a PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I've lived, for short periods, in Italy, Russia and the UK. I am a Hindu Nationalist and AIM activist. I am an obsessive book buyer. I was thrown out of two high schools and had to get a GED and I was once employed (for a day) at Walmart and worked a dishwasher in high school
Family history (100 words max): My Grandfather's family on my father's side was from Odessa and he was young when his father died. He accomplished a great deal in life. My mother's family is larger and have long been resident in Massachusetts
Greatest invention: Post-Humanism - an ideology that grew out of moral-relativism and today threatens the way we live
If you could have dinner with any person in the world it would be: Atal Bihari Vajpayee, longtime leader of the BJP in India, a great champion of his people against the threat of secularism and Islamism
If you could go anywhere on vacation, it would be: Micronesia. Who can argue with a country that is made up of Islands?
Feminine/masculine trait I'd like to have: Stronger, faster
What angers you: Extremism, self-hate and terrorism
What makes you happy: The American West, farms and cattle ranches (i.e. open spaces)
Last book I read was: Benny Morris, 1948
Comfort food: Sushi
Anything you regret? All the people I have somehow harmed by mistake
My life five years from now: More educated, more involved, more influential
You may not like it but I have something controversial to say: Islamism is the greatest threat to the world today, in a strange twist of fate it may also be what the West deserves
Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 10
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