Bill meant to deter "virtual masked-man" from performing "targeted assassinations."
By RON LITTMANtalkback 88(photo credit: )
In seeking to deter "virtual masked-men" from performing "targeted assassinations" of on-line targets, MK Israel Hason (Israel Beiteinu) planned to submit a bill to the Knesset this week requiring Internet talkbackers to submit their full names and personal details before responding to an article on-line.
Hason hoped that the bill, if accepted, would change the culture of discourse in Israel.
He emphasized that the proposed law would not expose the person's identity to the public, rather, that it would be kept on the Web sites' records and only be revealed in the case of a complaint against the writer.
Hason expressed the hope that the knowledge that one's personal details have been recorded would deter talkbackers from writing inflammatory comments.
The MK noted that, ironically, since news of the bill had been released, his Web site was visited by many readers who have responded to the proposal in precisely the sort of inflammatory manner that he hoped the bill would prevent. Still, he encouraged the public to visit the Web site,, and read about the law themselves.
Hason noted that the current technological means available to identify a reader were clumsy. Besides, he added, they only recognized the computer from where the message was sent - something that would not be able to identify an individual reader in the case of public terminals or computers used by many people at their workplace.