Volunteer paramedics hop from ‘ambucycles’ to ERs

United Hatzalah's project has been shown to successfully help medical staffers in hospital emergency rooms.

Paramedic 370 (photo credit: United Hazala)
Paramedic 370
(photo credit: United Hazala)
The voluntary first-aid and rescue organization United Hatzalah (UH), whose volunteer paramedics and medics are known to travel everywhere on “ambucycles,” launched a year ago a pilot project, shown to be successful, to help medical staffers in hospital emergency rooms.
The project is aimed at improving the performance of the lifesaving teams by increasing their professional knowledge and assisting the highly pressured hospital emergency room staffs. UH volunteers, whose organization doesn’t charge people they help any money, are on motorcycles to reach scenes of illness and injuries quickly, often before Magen David Adom ambulances arrive.
At a ceremony on Tuesday, Dr. Shlomo Yisraelit, head of the urgent are department at Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center said his institution has deepened its ties with UH because the pilot worked so well. “Rambam puts the good of the patient at the forefront, so we decided to be pioneers in their cooperative project. I was pleased to recommend to colleagues in other hospitals to copy our model,” he said.
At the ceremony, the volunteers – who come from all strata of society – received certificates and thanks. UH chairman Zeev Kashash said that it intended to expand the project to hospitals around the country.
UH Director-General Yoni Gedj added that this was an important new step in the organization‚ activities that will benefit the health of patients and their families.