A 44-year-old woman who worked as housekeeper for the Netanyahu family for six years recently filed a lawsuit against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's wife Sarah at the Tel Aviv Labor Court, Yediot Aharonot reported on Friday.
"Sarah Netanyahu abused me, paid me a salary lower than minimum wage, failed to pay my social benefits, forced me to work during Shabbat - even though I observe Shabbat - and made me call her 'Mrs. Sarah Netanyahu'," the former employee was quoted as writing in the lawsuit.
The plaintiff, a married woman with four children named Lillian, reportedly claims that her relationship with Sarah involved constant humiliation and an overall hostile atmosphere.
Netanyahu's wife is said to have expected Lillian to be on call 24-hours a day, and according to the report, once even phoned her at 2 a.m. to reprimand her for failing to properly cover a pillow. In addition, the former Netanyahu housekeeper claims Sarah would call her in to work over the weekend, making her desecrate the Sabbath.
She said Sarah also forced her other employees to call her "Mrs. Sarah Netanyahu" and would often boast that she had a beautiful house, telling her housekeeping staff how lucky they were to be working for the Netanyahu family and saying she was the "mother of the state of Israel."
The former housekeeper is demanding that the Netanyahu family pay her NIS 300,000 in compensation.
Netanyahu has yet to file a statement of defense.