The 2009 Social Survey reveals that Jerusalem’s residents are more content with life than the population of Israel’s other major cities.
By AVIEL YELINEKJust the facts 250(photo credit: Courtesy)
Every year, the Central Bureau of Statistics compiles a social survey intended to provide information about the living conditions and perceptions of Israel’s adult population (ages 20+) about them. The survey for 2009 included questions that inquired into Israelis’ level of satisfaction with various aspects of their life.The 2009 Social Survey reveals that Jerusalem’s residents are more content with life than is the population of Israel’s other major cities. Some 42 percent of respondents in Jerusalem said they were extremely satisfied with life, compared to 30% of respondents in Haifa, 28% in Rishon Lezion and 26% in Tel Aviv. Conversely, the number of Jerusalemite respondents who claimed they were moderately or extremely dissatisfied with their lives did not exceed 11%. The percentages of dissatisfied individuals in Rishon Lezion, Tel Aviv and Haifa were 11%, 14% and 19% respectively.The data reveal a positive connection between religiosity and life satisfaction. The highest levels of contentment were found among Jerusalem’s haredi population: 64% of haredi respondents said they were extremely satisfied with life, compared to 38% of national religious Jerusalemites and 19% of traditional and secular Jerusalemites.Jerusalemites also appear to be happier with their financial situation, relative to other Israelis. More than any other group living in Israel’s largest cities, Jerusalemites expressed the highest levels of satisfaction with their financial situation: 62% said they were moderately or extremely satisfied with their financial situation, compared to 56% of respondents in Tel Aviv and Rishon Lezion and 52% in Haifa.Jerusalemites were also the most optimistic about their financial future: 60% of them believed their situation would improve, compared to 54% of respondents in Tel Aviv, 45% in Haifa and 39% in Rishon