Just the facts: TV viewing habits

Israelis are watching more and more television. During 2011, the average Israeli watched more than 232 minutes of television daily.

Popcorn (photo credit: WIkicommons)
(photo credit: WIkicommons)
Israelis are watching more and more television. During 2011, the average Israeli watched more than 232 minutes of television daily, an increase of 3 percent since last year and 33% since 2001. Among Israeli households, 89% had a television (75% in Jerusalem), and 53% of households had two or more televisions (28% in Jerusalem). Data for 2011 indicate that Jerusalem residents watched less television than residents of Tel Aviv or Haifa did. Of Jerusalemites surveyed, 41% stated that they do not watch television at all or do not watch regularly, compared with 8% of Tel Aviv residents and 9% of Haifa residents. Forty percent of Jerusalemites reported that they watch up to two hours daily (compared with 58% in Tel Aviv and 53% in Haifa), and 19% of Jerusalemites stated that they watch more than two hours daily (compared with 33% in Tel Aviv and 39% in Haifa). Among Jerusalem households, 35% have cable or satellite television subscriptions, which is lower than the figure for Israel (62%), Tel Aviv (66%) and Haifa (70%).
The extent of television watched varies by age group. In general, lower ages watch less television per day. As the age rises, television watching increases. For example, 18% of those aged 20 to 34 reported that they do not watch television at all, compared with 13% of ages 35-49 and 10% of ages 50-64 and up.
The age group 64 and up had the highest percentage of those who reported watching more than two hours daily, at 56%, compared with 35% of 50- to 64-year-olds, 30% of 35- to 49- year-olds and 31% of 20- to 34-year-olds.
The extent of television watching also varies in accordance with degree of religious observance. Among haredim, 88% stated that they do not watch television at all, compared with 13% of those who are observant or traditional, and 4% of the secular population. The data indicate that the secular watch more television – 35% watch more than two hours a day, compared with 28% of the observant or traditional population and 1% of the haredim.