Greek court dismisses charges against Egyptians in deadly shipwreck case

Nine Egyptians had been charged with being part of the crew of the Adriana, a trawler carrying an estimated 700 migrants from Libya to Italy, which sunk and left only 104 survivors.

 Crew members of the Geo Barents migrant rescue ship, operated by Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), distribute life jackets to a group of 61 migrants on a boat during a rescue operation in international waters off the coast of Libya in the central Mediterranean Sea September, 2023. (photo credit: REUTERS/DARRIN ZAMMIT LUPI)
Crew members of the Geo Barents migrant rescue ship, operated by Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), distribute life jackets to a group of 61 migrants on a boat during a rescue operation in international waters off the coast of Libya in the central Mediterranean Sea September, 2023.

A Greek court has dismissed charges against nine Egyptians accused of causing a deadly shipwreck last June, resulting in their release from nearly a year of pretrial detention. The court ruled it had no jurisdiction to try the case, as the incident occurred in international waters and did not involve Greek citizens or a Greek-flagged vessel.

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The Egyptians had been charged with being part of the crew of the Adriana, a trawler carrying an estimated 700 migrants from Libya to Italy. The overcrowded boat capsized and sank near Greece, leaving only 104 survivors. The defendants faced several life sentences if convicted of being members of a migrant smuggling ring and causing the shipwreck.

Defense lawyers argued the nine were paying passengers wrongly identified as crew members by other survivors. They suggested the defendants were scapegoats used by authorities to blame the tragedy on the trawler's crew. Eight of the nine were released from a jail near Nafplio on Wednesday evening, while the ninth was released from a different jail.

Shipwreck renews calls for better migrant protections

The shipwreck, which occurred on June 14, 2023, renewed calls for European governments to better protect migrants. The European border agency Frontex reported a rise in illegal border crossings, driven largely by sea arrivals.

The exact circumstances of the Adriana's sinking remain unclear. Survivors claim the boat capsized after the Greek coast guard attempted to tow it, an allegation denied by Greek authorities. A Naval Court investigation into the incident is ongoing.

 People react after the verdict, as charges against nine Egyptian men accused over a 2023 migrant boat disaster off Greece were dropped, after a Greek court said it had no jurisdiction to hear the case as the shipwreck happened in international waters, in the city of Kalamata, Greece, May 21, 2024.  (credit: REUTERS/Renee Maltezou/File Photo)
People react after the verdict, as charges against nine Egyptian men accused over a 2023 migrant boat disaster off Greece were dropped, after a Greek court said it had no jurisdiction to hear the case as the shipwreck happened in international waters, in the city of Kalamata, Greece, May 21, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/Renee Maltezou/File Photo)

Defense lawyer Dimitris Choulis praised the court's decision and called for a focus on preventing similar tragedies in the future.