Delegates reach climate change deal, urge action

Delegates from 120 countries endorsed a report outlining urgent steps needed to avert some of the most catastrophic results of climate change, but the United States warned that strict emission caps could cause a global recession. The report, a summary of a study by a UN network of 2,000 scientists, said the world has to make significant cuts in greenhouse gasses through increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and vehicles, shifting from fossil fuels to renewable fuels, and reforming both the forestry and farming sectors. It said the world has both the money and the technology to carry out changes to prevent the sharp rise in temperatures that scientists say would wipe out species, raise ocean levels, wreak economic havoc and trigger droughts and flooding. "If we continue doing what we are doing now, we are in deep trouble," cautioned Ogunlade Davidson, the co-chair of the group responsible for finalizing the third report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change this week in Bangkok, Thailand.