US exploring greater military ties with Vietnam

US Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Sunday the United States wants to expand its military relationship with Vietnam, but has no plans to seek access to military facilities in this former enemy nation. Arriving in Hanoi just days after the United States signed a trade agreement with Vietnam, Rumsfeld planned to meet with the US military team involved in finding and identifying the remains of hundreds of US servicemen still missing in action from the Vietnam war. En route to Hanoi, Rumsfeld talked only generally about his goals for the US military's relationship with a country that has come to symbolize one of America's most divisive and politically explosive wars. "I don't have a wish list and I don't have a set of things we're trying to achieve," he said. "What we want to see is a relationship between our country and Vietnam evolve in a way that is comfortable to them and comfortable to us. And it has been doing that over recent years and I suspect it will continue on that path."