New cookbook honors memory of October 7 victims

The cookbook is published at the initiative of the Department for Zionist Activities in the Diaspora, together with the Israeli non-profit Taste of Memories.

 "Taste of Memories" in the diaspora  (photo credit: WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION)
"Taste of Memories" in the diaspora

A new cookbook honoring the memory of IDF soldiers, and civilians who were murdered in the Gaza -border communities and the Nova festival was published at the initiative of The Department for Zionist Activities in the Diaspora, together with the Israeli non-profit Taste of Memories. The project aims to raise awareness about the tragedy of October 7 among the Jewish communities in the Diaspora.

The book includes 25 favorite recipes of those who have fallen since October 7. Alongside each recipe, the personal story of each fallen is presented in order for communities to learn more about them. The book chooses to celebrate the lives of the fallen – before their tragic deaths, they each had a rich life, full of experiences and achievements, but also – a favorite dish.  

"The project will strengthen the communities' connection with the State of Israel at this difficult time for the Diaspora,” said Nerya Meir, Head of the Department for Zionist Activities in the Diaspora. “This is our answer to the rise of anti-Semitism to dimensions we have yet to see in recent years. We encourage the communities to stand strong and proud of their identity as Jews and connection to Israel."

The non-profit organization "Taste of Memories" was established in 2015 in order to commemorate Israeli fallen soldiers and victims or terror, by cooking their favorite recipes. Its activity in recent years has been taking place in Israel and around the world, commemorating hundreds who fell in Israel's wars and terror attacks.

To make the memory of the October 7 victims accessible to Jewish communities around the world, the Diaspora Department translated the book into four different languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and French, in addition to preparing ready-to-use activity programs for Jewish youth. The materials were distributed to communities throughout Europe, Latin America and North America where they were received with a warm embrace and a keen desire to produce commemorative events in order to strengthen their connection to Israel and Zionism.

In May alone, a large number of events have been held in Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Paris, Spain and London, attended by teenagers, young professionals and adults. Throughout the coming months, into summer 2024, the project is expected to expand to additional communities and countries.

In Buenos Aires, for instance, a known local Jewish chef, chef Nelson Wejkin,  baked "Yishai's pizza" (Yishai Fitusi z"l's pizza recipe in the cookbook) together with members of the Jewish community in the city - they learned about Yishai's life, heard a song his family prepared in his memory, and more. This event was covered by many media outlets, including Clarin, Argentina's largest newspaper.



Hadar was from Kibbutz Kfar Azza. Her family shares that she was the most beautiful, most successful and smartest girl. She studied accounting and graduated with honors after which she started working at a start-up company that predicted a great future for her. Hadar married Itay and together they had twin boys.

Hadar and Itay were murdered in their house in Kibbutz Kfar Azza by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023. They were 30 years old when they were killed. Hadar and Itay's 10-month-old twin boys survived. The babies were found and rescued by the IDF 14 hours later, crying in their cots – alongside their parents' dead bodies. They are now raised by family members.

Hadar loved baking this cake on weekends – these were one of Itay's favorite cakes. In fact, after the cake came out of the oven, he wouldn't let anyone else taste it.


1.1/4 cup of self-rising flour

1.1/4 cup of sugar

3 vanilla sugar packets

200 gr sour cream

3 eggs

1/2 cup of oil

Maple syrup for pouring over the cake

Optional: Chocolate chips/walnuts


Heat the oven to 180 degrees.

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Grease a cake mold and pour in the batter.

Sprinkle walnuts/chocolate chips on the batter before putting in the oven.

Bake for 20 to 30 minutes.

After removing from the oven, pour maple syrup around and on top of the cake.