At-risk teen housing seeks funding

Otot arranges subsidized housing for post-high school youth at-risk with no family.

Screenshot from fundraising video for Otot at-risk youth housing solutions (photo credit: screenshot)
Screenshot from fundraising video for Otot at-risk youth housing solutions
(photo credit: screenshot)
The Otot Association is raising funds to keep one of their housing options for at-risk youth open. Otot operates shelters throughout the country for male and female teenagers. They also arrange transitional apartments for those over the age of 18 who have graduated from their programs but still need assistance.
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One particular apartment that houses two young women age 18 and 19 is scheduled to be shut down by August and Otot has taken to the Jgive website to crowd-source funding. The apartments are provided for those without any family backing such as those whose parents are in jail, have died or other atypical situations. The apartments are rent and tax free but the occupants are expected to pay all their own expenses.
The apartments provide a safe environment, Alon Brami, director of resource development at Otot told The Jerusalem Post. "They develop skills so they can be independent," he said. Social workers meet with the residents for counselling on life skills such as obtaining employment and opening a bank account to help them integrate into society.
Founded in 1981, Otot operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Welfare and current operate 34 hostels and apartments throughout Israel. One such project is the Ben Galim hostel for boys in Herzliya. Other projects are tailored for youth from the Orthodox haredi community or for LGBT teens.
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