Carmit’s sales increased recently from NIS 141 million to NIS 163m., according to reports published by the company. The rise represents an increase of 15.6%.
Operating company profits (after financing) reached NIS 9.527m., compared with NIS 5.947m., a 60% increase.
This year, the company completed the establishment of a plant in Barkan for made-in-Israel Carmit products. It also started with the construction of the factory in the Tzipori industrial zone, with about 13,000 sq.m. of production area.
This factory will specialize in high-quality chocolate and bakery products, under the supervision of the Israeli and international Badatz kashrut organizations, including its private label products. At the same time, the factory will specialize in the production of allergen-free, vegan-free and reduced-sugar products in line with global health trends.
This year, the company also acquired and controlled Rafael, which specializes in granola products – bars and granola, and markets a line of healthy natural and granola products. Its products are known for high quality, good for you ingredients, and it's sugar-free granola.
According to Matania Schwartz, chief executive officer of Carmit: "Over the past four years, the company has grown by 32% in sales and operating profitability by 6.1%. In recent years, we have become a player in the local market."