There will be three squares of conservative Saturn/Shabbtai in revolutionary Aquarius to radical Uranus/Oron in traditional Taurus during 2021; the first one occurs March 17. The conflict between these disparate energies can produce competing value systems and strategic alignments between strange bedfellows. Adar’s classical ruler Jupiter/Tzedek in Aquarius and her modern ruler Uranus/Oron in Taurus illustrates the very Purim-like upside-downness of the dynamic tensions between security and freedom, tradition and innovation, cautiousness and recklessness, wisdom and genius. Mercury’s retrograde ends February 20, and the planet of communication conjuncts Jupiter March 4, tying up loose ends at the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius March 5. The Sun’s annual conjunction to dreamy Neptune/Rahav March 10 can be spiritual balm or a delusional bombshell, depending on circumstances.
Adar’s tribal ruler Naftali’s territory included the valley of Ginossar around the Kinneret, whose fruits were legendarily magical – so much so that the Talmud in Berachot 44a relates one bizarre, outlandish tale after another involving their otherworldly qualities. Altered spiritual states and supernatural enchantment are attributes of Pisces, and Purim, the most magical night of the year, comes before the Full Moon in Virgo on Shushan Purim! With Venus in Pisces as of February 25 it’s worth extending whatever merriment and magic can be had. Milk the magic for all it’s worth during Adar!
As tribal leader Judah modeled honesty as repentance for relationships, avoid giving mixed messages at Venus/Noga’s square to Mars/Ma’adim February 19 at the First Quarter Gemini Moon. You may be ambivalent about committing your heart, but you’re utterly confident about your professional role. The trine of Mars to powerful Pluto February 24 strengthens your perceived value in career/business; you’re on secure ground as you seek advancement and affirmation. Mars enters Gemini March 3 energizing communications and social connections. Your ideas can “go viral” now, don’t mask your passions – your enthusiasm is contagious!
Tribal leader Issachar’s attunement to the cosmic cycles and wise discernment around what needs to be repaired in important relationships is yours February 11-13 when Venus/Noga conjuncts Jupiter/Tzedek and retrograde Mercury/Kochav conjuncts Venus. Can you find the magic words and say them – first to yourself, then to whomever needs most to hear them? Saturn/Shabbtai’s square Uranus in Taurus Feb 17 insists you move the needle if it’s stuck on a fearful refrain. Venus squares Mars/Ma’adim February 19 offers energetic support to break out of the circles you’re going in. Venus sextile Uranus/Oron March 3 sparks exciting, original creativity.
Tribal leader Zebulon’s journeys were never meandering; his travels had purpose and so do you during Mercury/Kochav’s retrograde: recovering what’s still viable from lost or abandoned dreams and resurrect them under a new structure at the First Quarter Moon in Gemini February 19. Between the two conjunctions of Mercury to Jupiter/Tzedek, retrograde February 14 and direct March 4, you’ll find what you’re seeking, and when Mercury stations direct February 20 you can orient yourself to the direction you should be headed with stunning clarity. Progress is made by revisiting and revising your trajectory to make sure you’re on target.
Tribal leader Reuben’s tender heart is moved by compassion for the human condition at the New Moon in Aquarius February 11. First Quarter Moon in Gemini February 19 inspires new ways of interfacing with old ideas. The Full Virgo Moon of Purim February 27 unmasks your feelings for someone previously relegated to the “friend zone.” Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius March 5 brings restless energy and heightened mind-body awareness; best self-care this month might include swimming and hiking, if possible. Emotional healing is possible March 10 at the Moon’s conjunction to Mercury/Kochav if you can speak from your heart.
Tribal leader Simeon’s descendants became teachers of children, and your inner child needs your inner adult to be a good teacher and empathetic partner when the Sun enters Pisces February 18, illuminating tender places within, bruised by rejection and misunderstanding. Teach yourself to receive your own remarkable insights when the Sun sextiles Uranus/Oron February 25 bringing brilliant lightning-flash revelations around family of origin issues long ignored or repressed. Sun conjunct Neptune March 10: a therapeutic breakthrough alters consciousness for the better; resetting your self-perception from harsh judgment to compassionate empathy. Your journey toward wholeness means especially embracing your weakest parts.
The multifaceted nature of the Mercury/Kochav-ruled Tribe of Gad is revealed at Purim and the Full Moon in Virgo February 27. You are so much more than just the sum of your parts, and the broad spectrum of your capabilities shines the brightest between Mercury retrograde’s conjunction to Jupiter/Tzedek February 14 and the same conjunction only with Mercury direct on March 4. Between those two dates you’ll paint a broad, dazzling swath of competence and demonstrate you’ve still got what it takes, and then some. Mercury stations direct February 20 positioning you to prioritize among the plethora of possibilities.
The Gershonites under tribal leader Ephraim’s charge were responsible for the ornamental coverings of the Mishkan/Tabernacle, thus the love of beauty and its enhancement run through your spiritual DNA. Original definitions of beauty and radical demonstrations of grace are possible when Venus/Noga conjuncts Jupiter/Tzedek at New Moon in Aquarius February 11. Mercury/Kochav’s retrograde conjunction to Venus February 13 rethinks definitions of love; Venus square Mars/Ma’adim February 19 rebels against conventional constraints. Venus sextile Uranus/Oron March 3 finds a way to harmonize differing perspectives while emboldening your charismatically persuasive abilities. Truth is beauty and beauty truth; these are never discordant.
Tribal leader Manasseh’s gift was humility, which demonstrated his greatness; your willingness to make space for others attracts powerful partners when Venus/Noga squares Mars/Ma’adim February 19 at the First Quarter Moon in Gemini, Partnership possibilities extend beyond romance into realms of creative partnership; overcome power struggles when Mars trines Pluto February 24, favoring harmonious synchronicities rather than competitive clashes. Mars enters Gemini March 3 bringing considerable lightness and motion; if you’ve felt a little slow since January you’re now unfettered to fly forward, perhaps with the help of an unexpected partner who brings fresh, valuable resources to the table.
Tribal leader Benjamin’s rainbow flag symbolized inclusivity: Venus/Noga conjunct Jupiter/Tzedek February 11 at the New Moon in Aquarius opens you to the potentialities of universalism. Though feeling unique and exceptional is your default setting, Hodesh Adar brings a deep sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself. Mercury/Kochav’s retrograde conjunction to Jupiter February 14 is bookended by his direct conjunction March 4. The magic lies between those dates as you articulate and externalize an expanded internal vision and enlarged self-knowledge. Tie up loose ends: finish what you started back in November at Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius March 5.
Tribal leader Dan’s ensign was a snake ready to defend his territory. You’ve internalized self-defense so thoroughly you may have succeeded in isolating yourself more than necessary, thus requiring a sort of emotional chiropractic. This comes three times during 2021 when Saturn/Shabbtai in Aquarius squares Uranus/Oron in Taurus. The first of these squares occurs February 17. You’ll be challenged to adjust the risk/reward ratio, as you’re faced with contradictory pulls between security and innovation. Choosing between stability, which has become almost moribund and potentially dangerous, yet tremendously rewarding change doesn’t need to be an either/or. Find your happy medium.
The New Moon in Aquarius February 11 restarts your annual growth cycle. Your classical and modern planetary rulers, Saturn/Shabbtai and Uranus/Oron, make three powerful squares during 2021, the first of which occurs February 17. Revolutionary understandings of your place in family history are possible now, from the broadest sweeping birds eye view of your place in the generations which preceded you. This perspective empowers a vision of your future when the Sun sextiles Uranus February 25. Like Tribal leader Asher, your nature is to give. The sextile of Venus/Noga to Uranus March 3 offers a surprisingly upgraded romantic connection.
Because of the swing of the 19-year Metonic Cycle to which the Hebrew calendar system is synced, this year Hodesh Adar begins with a New Moon in Aquarius February 11. Inner agitation over external events when Mars/Ma’adim sextiles Neptune/Rahav February 13 is considerably calmed when the Sun enters Pisces February 18. Run after your dreams like fleet-footed tribal leader Naftali at the Sun/Neptune conjunction March 10; this is your annual bird’s eye big picture view of your life and you’re able to see the location of the “You Are Here!” sign clearly. Purim’s full Virgo Moon unmasks true desires.