More than half are dissatisfied with teaching level in the schools
A survey examined the status in 2016 of medical professionals, lawyers, hi-tech employees, army professionals and social workers in comparison to teachers.
By SARAH LEVITeachers protest outside of the Education Ministry in Tel Aviv(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)
Fifty-two percent of Israelis are dissatisfied with the level of instruction in schools, and 68% feel that the teachers are not suitable role models for children, according to a survey.The survey was conducted by Prof. Itzhak Gilat and Dr. Niva Wengrowicz from the Levinsky College of Education in Tel Aviv’s Research Authority. For the fourth year in a row, the Teacher Status Index examined the status of teachers in Israel compared to other professions.It examined the status in 2016 of medical professionals, lawyers, hi-tech employees, army professionals and social workers in comparison to teachers.Using an online questionnaire aimed at 501 adults constituting a representative sample of the Jewish sector, respondents were asked to evaluate these six professions and rate their perceptions of each.The questions regarded salaries, level of professionalism and esteem for the professions were all evaluated. And teachers ranked among the lowest for the fourth year in a row, second only to social workers.The study shows that there is a direct correlation between the status of a profession and salary. For example, the survey showed that doctors ranked the highest in overall status and received the highest salary among the six professions.The survey also asked respondents specific questions related to teaching. Questions included to what extent respondents were satisfied with the level of instruction they had received and whether teachers are worthy role models for their students.Gilat believes that changing the status of teachers is a critical step in improving these results as well as the overall education system. “Increasing the social status of teachers is crucial and it requires a significant change in perception,” he told The Jerusalem Post.“If the status of teachers is improved, in addition to raising the monthly salary, the education system will be able to bring in higher-quality educators into the system and this will directly affect the quality and effectiveness of the students’ education,” Gilat said.