What's up and about in the Israeli capital.

ShukTech at Mahaneh Yehuda  (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
ShukTech at Mahaneh Yehuda
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Italian touch
The Jerusalem children’s theater company Koom- Koom and an Italian theater company, La Societa Della Civetta, have teamed up to create Restart, a new theater production dedicated to the games of childhood. The show will open in the coming weeks, replete with actors, clowns, puppets and a wide range of innovative theatrical accessories on stage to provide audiences with a new outlook on our childhood games. It will also feature a witty take on how these games have changed in our digital era, and how it has changed the games too. Details and tickets are available at koomkoomtheater@ From theory to practice Students at the School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University now have an opportunity to translate some of the academic knowledge they have gleaned into practical and marketable action. A joint project of the school; MATI Jerusalem; and MINGA, a platform that aims to develop, support and accelerate the social entrepreneurship arena, provides MA students with new tools and methodologies to enable them to conceive and develop social businesses.
The seven-week workshop will provide students the know-how and practical tools to transform a vision into a sustainable business – innovative, yet committed to a social agenda. It will instruct how to present visions and projects in a way that can attract investors to help make it come through. Social entrepreneurship links social engagement with business tools and ways in order to enable a vision to become feasible.
Game over
Justice Alexander Ron of the Jerusalem District Court ruled earlier this week that a local Arab association had been abusing its official status to collect money for a Palestinian terrorist organization. The association has been ordered to dissolve immediately and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) is considering suing it. It was found that the “Association of the Union of Agricultural Committees” was collecting money from foreign governments that went directly to the Popular Front, a Palestinian terrorist organization – instead of using the funds for helping Palestinian farmers. Shaked is urging the state attorney to conduct an inquiry into that matter.
Shuk? Tech!
Thousands of summit guests were expected to converge on Jerusalem’s Mahaneh Yehuda market yesterday, February 1, in the framework of OurCrowd, the leading global equity crowdfunding platform, at its 2018 Global Investor Summit plenary closing. Led by entrepreneur Jon Medved, OurCrowd, the leading global equity crowdfunding platform for accredited investors, vets and selects opportunities, invests its own capital and enlists companies to its accredited membership of global investors.
The third annual ShukTech, a collaborative event with Jerusalem’s Development Authority (JDA), turned the city’s most celebrated outdoor marketplace into a techhub. The gathering was scheduled to feature a night of CEO meet ups, delicious food, craft beers, live music, street art, video walls and informal pitches from some of the city’s top tech entrepreneurs: RenewSenses, Bitemojo, Strattic and more. More than 10,000 people from 90 countries visited Jerusalem for the 2018 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit. ShukTech combines the energy of Thursday Shuk nightlife with the tech ecosystem, as the perfect after-party to showcase the city and wrap up such a monumental day.
ShukTech was organized in partnership with the Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Ministry, the Jerusalem Municipality, Jnext and MassChallenge Israel.

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Poisonous King
The municipality has ordered the closure of the King Solomon Restaurant in the Old City following results of a public health services inspection there. Cockroaches and other bugs were found on the walls and among the kitchen utensils; raw food – including meat – was not properly stored, there was food scattered on the floor and there was no sink for employees to wash vegetables or their hands. The owner appealed to the Court, but the decision to shut the establishment down was final, as it was deemed a risk to public health.
It was further discovered that the business did not have a permit as required by law. As of this week, the eatery is closed and is not allowed to sell food of any kind.
No park here
Despite an ongoing dialogue to find alternative solution to the need to dismantle a public garden to make room for a school, municipal employees dismantled a park in Bayit Vagan during the night earlier this week.
Furious local residents are accusing the municipality of bully tactics, and Deputy Mayor Itzhak Pindrus (United Torah Judaism) resigned from his position as the head of the City Improvement portfolio in reaction.
Abohav Street residents woke up Monday morning to discover that the only public park and playground in the neighborhood had been totally dismantled under the cover of darkness. Groundwork is apparently underway for the installation of temporary classroom structures. The location is designated for a badly needed new elementary schools for boys, but the residents – including those who need this school for their own children – wanted to preserve the park, as it is the only one in the neighborhood.
The local council, the municipality and Pindrus were working on an acceptable solution that would satisfy all the parties, but someone at Safra Square apparently decided that time was of the essence and took action.
As a result, Pindrus sent a letter to Mayor Nir Barkat on Tuesday evening asking to be relieved of his duties as holder of the relevant portfolio.
Building in Arnona
Years of planning culminated with an agreement signed earlier this week between the city’s Planning and Construction committee and the national housing planning board to approve the Arnona Slopes project.
Consequently, more than 2,000 housing units will soon be added to the reservoir of affordable housing in the city.
The decision was approved during the recent meeting of the association of builders and contractors. The president of the local committee, Deputy Mayor Meir Turgeman was in attendance, as were National Housing Board chairman Avigdor Yitzhaki and Israel Builders Association president Roni Brik.
This initiative is one of the largest construction projects in the city.