Woman gives birth after 17-year battle with infertility
"Correctly diagnosing the problem and fitting the treatment to the woman is what made the difference."
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFAfter 17 years of trying to have a baby, 41-year-old Asma Shahavan from Majd el-Kurum finally became a mother.(photo credit: BARUCH PADEH MEDICAL CENTER PORIYA)
After 17 years of trying to conceive, 41-year-old Asma Shahavan from Majd el-Kurum finally became a mother this week.Shavavan had completed dozens of treatments over of the years in different centers both in Israel and abroad, but without success. She arrived at the Baruch Padeh Medical Center in Poriya approximately two years ago, and on her fourth round of In vitro fertilization (IVF), became pregnant.Shahavan was monitored at Baruch Padeh over the course of her pregnancy, which was designated as high risk, said Prof. Joni Yones, head of the IVF department."Correctly diagnosing the problem and fitting the treatment to the woman is what made the difference," said Yones. "Often, fertility treatments are started without diagnosing and treating underlying conditions."Here we made sure to treat these conditions and that brought this impressive success 17 years later!"Asma expressed her gratitude to the medical team and said that she "never stopped believing all these years."I believed that a day would come, and I would hold my child in my arms, and now that day is here! We called our baby Heba – because she is a gift we received from god."